About Us
I'm a DJ, Radio Presenter and Producer who is passionate about music, particularly anything cutting edge that pushes the boundaries. This includes keeping up with new developments in Music Technology and using them in my compositions and remixes. I'll tell you about some of these developments in my "blogs" and I intend kicking that off with some down to earth descriptions of Harmonics. I'll also give you an insight into the workings of Apple's Logic Pro - Digital Audio Workstation (DAWS) and the ES2 Synthesizer plug in, also the Sculpture plug in - so keep checking my "Blog"
I've written up my experiences/approaches to sound design and sound creation and manipulation - check out my BLOG on Sound Design and the new one on Sound Creation
New article up soon - I looked at what the experts say you should do when composing musical pieces
Our users
This site should be useful to like minded music lovers, DJs and producers, music creators and film sound designers
History of project
This project started with a course in Music Technology that I undertook, in order to develop the skills and expertise necessary to develop music in the modern world.